The family is trying a new tradition this year. The camping trip was held over the fourth of july. The first day we went canoeing... Dave and Chris got so hammered they proceded to sink their canoe......several times.... Remember the corridor of death Dan??? yeah, you know what I'm talking about!! LOL Lucky for Jacque and I, I had Jacque get into my canoe and put Chris in with Dave mere moments before the first sinking.... enough said on that. The second day we went tubing down the river... yup, we all thought we'd die before we finally were done, I think it took like 8 hrs to finally float to our destination, nothing near the "3-4hrs" the pamphlet said! Overall though, it was a fun time together. Thanks to everyone who helped organize the trip!! :)

I thought I'd stick a picture of Abu in here... hasn't he grown!?! Still soooooo cute though.... too bad he's loosing those gorgeous blue eyes :(

This picture of Abu and Wilber was taken after getting back from camping. Abu was so happy to see Wilber again! Wilber, of course, was absolutely exhausted!!!
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